
Theoretical Questions

  1. What is an Operating System ? What are its functions?
  2. What is a shortcut menu ? What is its significance ?
  3. What is the siginificance of Trash ?
  4. What is the difference between copying and moving files and folders ?
  5. What happens when files and folders are deleted in BISS Linux ? Is it possible to retrieve deleted object later ? If so how ?
  6. What is the significance of window panel ?
  7. When a folder is copied to another place do the subfolder in the folder also get copied?
  8. What purpose does the operating system serve to the computer and the user ?
  9. What is the difference between copying and moving files and folders ?
  10. When a folder is copied to another place do the subfolder in the folder also get copied ?
  11. What will be the name of home directory of useer 'Neha' in Linux ?
  12. What do you mean by dialog box ? Also discuss it various components.
  13. What is a workspace ? What is the role in Linux ?
    • Give Procedure to create a new folder in Linux.
    • Give procedure for closing down the Linux.
  14. I will update this page soon...
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